Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
A France Divided with Rabbi Dr. Dov Maimon

A France Divided with Rabbi Dr. Dov Maimon

Episode #24

The drastic results of the French elections this week resulted in calls from Paris’s Chief Rabbi to the Jewish community to leave France and seek it’s future in Israel. The Far Left has joined its cause with those of France’s Islamists and together they offer a bleak future for the Jews in France and beyond.

Ilana Rachel Daniel sat with Rabbi Dr Dov Maimon to learn more about the environment that led to the divides that have pit the population firmly between the far left and the far right and what it means not only for France’s future, but for Europe, the US, and the West as a whole.

Senior Fellow at JPPI, Rabbi Dr Dov Maimon leads the "Grand Strategy toward Islam" project, the "Israel-Diaspora New Paradigm" project and the Institute's activities in Europe. Among his action-oriented work, he is a member of the Advisory Committee for Improving access to Ultra-Orthodox to Higher Education chaired by Professor Manuel Trajtenberg. He is also the author of the Action Plan for bringing the developing mass migration of French Jews to Israel. Commissioned by governmental agencies, the plan was adopted by the Israeli Cabinet on June 22nd 2014. Born in Paris, he earned a B.Sc. from the Technion (Haifa, Israel), a MBA from Insead (Fontainebleau, France), a M.A in Religious Anthropology and a Ph.D. in Islamic and Medieval Studies from the Sorbonne University. He is a laureate of the prestigious prize "Grand Prix du chancelier des universites 2005" awarded to the best French PhD work in Literature and Human Sciences. He is also a graduat of the Mandel School of Educational Leadership. Formerly an High-Tech industry entrepreneur, Dov is teaching at the School of Business Administration of the Ben Gurion University.

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Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
The Common Denominator seeks to fill in the gaps of theory and reality to demystify the realities of the Jews and the Jewish state, but not only. We face today the broader threats of terrorism on the rise worldwide, the deterioration of western civilization, leaderships who continuously seek to centralize their power and the reality of the human fallibilities that aid them.
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