Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
Meet Hezbollah

Meet Hezbollah

Episode #22

Today we will discuss in brief the only thing on our minds here in Israel and that, regrettably, is Hezbollah and nothing but. 

The fear of confrontation with Hezbollah is founded.

War between us holds the potential to devastate both tiny Israel as well as Lebanon who, not unlike Iran, suffocates under its parasitic, conquering leadership. 

There is no negotiating peace with an entity that was created with the mission of war. There is only a matter of when the confrontation will take place, on whose terms, and with what strength they have been able to amass.

Hezbollah is the most heavily armed non-state actor in the world and the citizens of Israel face a threat unlike any we have before.

Join Ilana Rachel Daniel and get to know who is Hezbollah.

Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
The Common Denominator seeks to fill in the gaps of theory and reality to demystify the realities of the Jews and the Jewish state, but not only. We face today the broader threats of terrorism on the rise worldwide, the deterioration of western civilization, leaderships who continuously seek to centralize their power and the reality of the human fallibilities that aid them.
Ours is research based in fact and reported on with nuance and testimony from real time and location in Southern Israel.
There’s nothing else like it around and we want you involved.