Oct 17, 2023Liked by Ilana Rachel Daniel

Clearly, we are all under attack. All humans, animals, plants, and even the sky itself. This is an all out war against our planet.

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Excellent piece, Ilana. I'm having difficulty finding words, so I'll leave it at that.

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Thanks for taking the time to write about technological developments in Israel. It is a similar story in Britain and many other places, beginning with the first 5G roll out for the UN Military Games in Wuhan, China, October 16th 2019.

I have been researching electro-magnetic frequencies since 2016 and have compiled an archive of my material to share with any interested parties: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19. There are over 200 references and links to much more.

To raise the issue further I recently wrote an article entitled: THERE IS NO VIRUS THERE IS NO LAB LEAK https://francesleader.substack.com/p/there-is-no-virus-there-is-no-lab which attempts to warn that 5G is indeed a weapon and all of natural life is its target. I hope you will find my work useful to you in your investigations and brave analysis.

When we try to alert our politicians that we are very concerned about the massive increase in electro-magnetic radiation we are fobbed off with assurances that the system falls within the ICNIRP international guidelines. This well annoted document by Prof Martin Pall addresses the shortcomings of those guidelines here: https://theemfguy.s3.amazonaws.com/EMF_Hazards/2302%20-%202nd%20Edition/Interviews/1-dr_pall/SafetyGuidelineFraud.pdf

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Just I thought in you Frances when I red this enlighten article. Not just for the obvious connection with the 5G and your research in the topic, but for another articles of you, where to track how old the Zionist hate to Jews , just something that now became pathetic and peinfully clear . If another lesson here is to learn, it is to never more mixed up the "regimes" with the people they claim to rule .... Which "ruler" today isn´t acting in a treacherous way?

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I cannot think of a single leader that I could trust implicitly but I also think that is intentional. We are being terrorised into fear and distrust of everything. Apparently, according to psychiatric studies, this is when we become the most malleable and docile. All psy-ops are designed to demoralise and defeat us.

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Well, not to trust in leaders it is a very wise position: we don´t need them, we don´t need to be leaded. But the induced terror to everything, this is an intentional behavioral targetting, as you said, a psy op to demoralise the population and take advantage, one aspect of the "divide and conquer"... divide us from the cosmos, disruspting the sacred connection of all beings with anothers, interfering with the universe tissue of life...

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For a while I had the horrible feeling that my own precious connectedness was broken. It was a strange and protracted silence I was experiencing, and then, suddenly one night last week, I astral-travelled to Gaza and, even though it was a terrifying experience, I was happy that my psychic abilities have not been damaged by all the bloody EMFs and airborne nano-particulates. I don't think their weapons work quite as well as they might imagine. As long as we have the energy of life, we have the ability to connect with all of it and I don't think that ability even breaks in death - which must piss off 'the science' and its financiers!

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I TOTALLY AGREE with your thoughts !!! They try, they are confident, but they are a so poor miserable little things with all their scientific tricks and hate and stupid arrogance, and lies upon lies upon lies....a hudge house of cards against LIFE itself !!! I think too they have no chance, only they disturb for a moment the fluent stream of consciusness and beauty !

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You describe the tension inherent in so many paradoxes unfolding in real time, so beautifully and logically, that prayer and faith in G_D seems the only fulfilling response.

“ Without G_D I can’t, but without me He won’t “

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Thank you, I really like that.

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May G_D continue to watch over you and yours, and Israel.

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Bless you Ilana for all your work and activism. I work as the EMF correspondent for CHD Canada fyi. You are so right about the water - it holds the memory of the past, present, and beautiful future we can all build with its power. Have you tried structuring your water?:


Would love to connect!

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Thank you, I'd like to learn more about it, Roman. Glad to be in touch, i'm at thecommondenominator@protonmail.com

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Thank you Ilana for your reply! I'll be in touch.

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Thanks Ilana Rachel Daniel for that very good and detailed report on what's happening in Israel,

5G and the surveillance on the public which is connected to that including the tracking of the health.

Humanity is under attack by Globalists which want to rule our lives.

It's We The People

who have to have an eye on that and beeing aware to what it can lead at the end and inform our community surrounding us to the best extend we can possibly do.

Within my personal community here in Germany most people do not see it what's happening.

When I referred to China because of the Digital QR Codes which were connected to the so called C19 Vaccine as something which also

Dr. Mike Yeadon warned about, most of them did not see the danger of surveillance which got implemented with rolling out the vaccination programm and check ins with that Digital QR Code Pass to the restaurant, bars, gyms etc.

Our Christmas Markets in 2021 was fenced and those pictures will stay forever with me. It looked more like Alcatraz to me with the Security Guards checking the Digital QR Passes than a Christmas Market and gave us a taste of what the future of surveillance might look like and be in real live.

Thank G_d

I was well informed before.

Also from the first video

I saw from you on YouTube and from Dr. Mike Yeadon.

It's really unbelievable what was started with the so called pandemic and what kind of inhuman restrictions were followed including this substance declared as a vaccine.

Thank G_d was the resistance on the streets big enough to make people aware of it, still there are lots of casualties around the World 🌎

Thanks again for your effort and all the information on reports you provide here and on CHD TV.

Good look for your work


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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

This article, as usual, offers us a glimpse into Ilanna Rachel Daniel's brilliant mind. Her literary abilities as a researcher illuminate for us, options to consider as technology continues to take over ture reality. We do have a choice. Turn off the cellphone more, unplug the Wireless Modem at night. Grow your own food, etc. We can live differently, thus rejecting the complexity and terror of a mechanized, Transhuman dystopia. Thank you Ilana for this meticulous in-depth article revealing solid facts and evidence about the current situation in Israel, and beyond. I pray for our people in Israel. My heart bleeds for the way so many are willingly offering their bodies and essence even now, fighting this war, for the "right" of being even more surveilled. Yet, I also am seeing a Renaissance of authentic Jewish Identity and Religious understanding being awakened in Israeli's who have dropped their divisive attitudes between Secular and Religious. Perhaps as this Achdut (unity) continues, more and more Israeli's will collectively determine, that a real change of direction in Israel is needed. And a miraculous enlightment will take place from the grass-roots up. Causing a true change in the current Political leadership -- so that Israeli's finally have a "government' that truly serves the Jewish People, rather than the Devils of Davos.

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Speaking of the FDA Ilana, read this: https://slaynews.com/news/fdas-suspicious-ties-bill-gates-emerge/

The horrific surveillance is also the aim wrapped up within the Pandemic Preparedness and Response - package to be implemented by the WHO.

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A small reference in a power point of 5G activating latent viruses, and then looking at a world map of 5G placement, and comparing to the Covid hotspots, were the two things that opened my eyes to the fake pandemic.

Your information here is clear and all encompassing of the opening door of ‘what is coming.’

Lucifer wants what God has given humans (God’s children) - and this article clearly outlines satan’s minions implementing steps to take it from us so we can no longer connect to God.

Thank you for such an outstanding and brilliant Substack.

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It is the same here in the US. Slower but inevitable. Doubly betrayed from within. Ask who benefits. Then you will know who 'manipulates'. Because all of this is carefully thought out for years and years and *planned* ... including the betrayal from within. If you think that Hamas could have pulled off its raids without out help and information and *cooperation* from inside.. well, you are dreaming. Your Gov't knew and approved it. What is the loss of a few, for the gain of many (or our own agendas, they say! Just like Lahaina). And as far as the transhumanists agenda. Well.. do you STILL think living in "Israel" as it is now is a privilege? Or are you condemning yourself and your offspring by living there ?? I do believe bible prophecy speaks of only 144,000 real Jews left alive at the time of Armageddon and the second coming of the Lord. What you see around you is only a first step. The powers ruling our world and your country were known in Biblical times. They worship Baal and Moloch, child sacrifice and yes, Lucifer is their god.. not G.O.D. And they are hell bent on making the prophecies come true... no matter what destruction must come to the world. Evil in a nutshell. The ends never justify the means.

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"Israel, like any and every sovereign nation, has legitimate reasoning for building tools to defend itself."

I have noticed that the boundaries of states are often imaginary. I did some thought experiments, trying to answer questions such as who, what, or where is the State? I could not answer any of these questions; therefore I concluded that the reason the boundaries of states are imaginary, is because the states themselves are imaginary. I have concluded that imaginary entities, such as states, cannot be sovereign: only real entities, such as individuals, can be sovereign. It also seems to me impossible, for an imaginary entity to have "reasoning" or to be capable of "building tools to defend itself." This is not to say that an imaginary entity has no existence, but it exists only in the minds of those who believe in it.

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Thanks for your stand, your sensibel intelligence to describe what is being builded in day light around us, an unconceivable prison. Ans as you said, our brothers and sisters jews are being used again for the mad puppet regime who follow the plan dictatedby the powerfull ones & corporative oligarchic cartel (these dark aristochrats, the front line billionaires, the neverending alphabet organizations, the sectarian ones, and so on) who wants to go ahead with this evil experiment where we are the dischargeable objects. You described so perfectly the fallacy of the overwhelming surveillance system, and the more than obviously dubius "comunication grid" to kill us unwared and slowly ... and just inmediatly the atrocity unleashed upon your population it showed exactly your claims: the surveillance is not for security against crimes or terrorist, but is to lock us in a panopticum presidium.

The future depends on us, in our actions now.

Hopefully you are safe, and the situation there doesn´t explote ....

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> It is my opinion that the question we asked long ago was answered then. It is our empathy - above all else - that makes us human, that makes us humane, that drives us on to do, and become, and to do better.

As the transhumanist tinkerings become increasingly complex, it is this empathy, this soft tissue of humanity that we will need to maintain its shape.

It is empathy which we see clearly our ‘powers that be’ so breathtakingly lack - so far have they removed themselves from our great throbbing mass of humanity - they have forgotten themselves how to be human.

It is this primary human empathy that we must continue to call out to act now and today with integrity and with all we have learned of the world and of one another.

This is the time and it is we who are being called.

Ilana Rachel Daniel

REPLY: I have followed you on CHD. Empathy is core and from a buddhist perspective includes wisdom. Yet it is so easy to generate an event that undermines the argument for empathy. A truly peaceful assembly can be turned into one the police attack because of a lone angry person.

Empathy is so fragile. As a remnant of humanity that is able to sense empathy within their being, may we treasure and cultivate it.

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Prayers for Israel….prayers for humanity❤️. Thank you Ilana

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Also Ilana please keep The Jerusalem Reports coming. I think few American realize how Israel has become a wacky sci fi experiment.

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The Israeli Government knows when you go to the bathroom. But somehow they didn't know about these Hamas guys cutting a whole in the critical fence, flying in on utralight aircraft, and I guess parachuting so there must have been a plane involved. So the Hamas air force actually violated Israeli Air Space. Thank you Ilana for your excellent article. I listened to your recorded message the other day and it was heartbreaking.

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