Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
The Common Denominator: Episode #9 We The People

The Common Denominator: Episode #9 We The People

The Middle East and North Africa - MENA - is defined as the most autocratic region in the world. Yet Israel, has acted as an oasis of democracy in a desert of repression all while struggling to maintain its security and internal progress.

In this program, Ilana Rachel Daniel returns to the pillars of our western democracies, what were the shared values that rooted them and why we see their erosion and rise of authoritarianism today.

“Our throw away culture imagines there is always something better on the pipeline. We buy the next upgrade, we block those with whom we disagree and we toss our single serving receptacle to the bin many times a day.

But, if we abandon the constructs of democracy now in this era of micro-managed minds and a device in each of our 8 billion hands, there is no better model in production.”

Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
The Common Denominator seeks to fill in the gaps of theory and reality to demystify not only the realities of the Jews and the Jewish state, but also the broader threat we face worldwide with leaderships who continuously seek to centralize their power and the reality of the human fallibilities that aid them.
There’s nothing else like it around and we want you involved.