Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
The Common Denominator: Episode #8 Urban Warfare: A Soldier's Testimony from Gaza

The Common Denominator: Episode #8 Urban Warfare: A Soldier's Testimony from Gaza


There is no country nor army more vilified than is Israel’s.

Our experience has been one of inversion, where that which happens to Israel’s people collectively is robbed from them in broad daylight and claimed by her enemies as their own.

But there are facts. There is evidence and documentation, policy and witness, and they stand in stark contrast to the propaganda manufactured.

Here is one solider’s account.

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“Urban warfare, however, both in general and in the layout of battle inside Gaza specifically, present difficulties and multi-layered dangers that are entirely new, not only to those listening, but for the IDF who meets inside Gaza challenges which no army has faced before, ever.”

Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
The Common Denominator seeks to fill in the gaps of theory and reality to demystify not only the realities of the Jews and the Jewish state, but also the broader threat we face worldwide with leaderships who continuously seek to centralize their power and the reality of the human fallibilities that aid them.
There’s nothing else like it around and we want you involved.